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отговор Сигнализирай
Nqma zna4enie
преди 16 години
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Ако 1 батерия се изолира напълно от кислород и се нагрее или удари или сплеска това води до избухване ЗА ЖАПРОСИ ЗА НАПРАЖА НА БОМБА razzr*** Смо ако мислите да я правите в домашни условия и никога не давам пална информация без да разбера дали сте палнолетни за лично сам непалнолетен.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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abre na edin priqtel mu grymna nokiata po systhiq nachin chisto nova beshe i toi raboti v kamenolomna basi syvpadeneto
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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LG issues comment on exploding cell phonePosted on 11/30/2007 @ 10:38 AMComment on Recent Misleading Media Coverage regarding LGNovember 30, 2007 Regarding the recent incident of a 33-year old workers death in Korea, the latest news by Newsis, a Korean news service, reported that the cause of the mans death has no relevance to LG handsets, unlike the previous media coverage.According to the news, the victims colleague, who is known as the first witness, has been found guilty of manslaughter. The suspect confessed to the police that he hit the victim by mistake with a heavy vehicle while driving, which was the direct cause of victims death. As soon as the official announcement by the police department is made, we will confirm the further details.At LG, we rigorously test our products not only for functionality and design, but safety as well. Earlier we asserted that the lithium-ion polymer batteries used in LG handsets had been approved for consumer use by a number of independent testing agencies. As a responsible company, we at LG promise to continue our commitment to provide the best products.'Exploding Cell Phone' Was a LieThe death of a quarry worker in his 30s in Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong Province on Wednesday was not caused by an exploding mobile phone but by a heavy vehicle accident, police said Thursday. Police said a colleague of the victims lied about the cause of death to conceal his fault.According to Cheongju Heungdeok police in charge of investigation on this case, the colleague identified as Kwon (58), who reported the accident on Thursday, killed Seo (33) while driving a backhoe but later told police the cause of death was an exploding mobile phone in Seos breast pocket. Police have sought an arrest warrant for Kwon for negligence resulting in death.Kwon told police he was backing up a hydraulic drill rig at the quarry and accidentally killed him by running over. Seo died stuck between the vehicle and a rock.Immediately after the accident on Thursday, Kwon told police he found Seo lying beside his vehicle and called the police and emergency services. Police believed the accident was likely caused by an explosion since the phone found in Seos left breast pocket had a severely melted battery and there was charring.Police is investigating the possibilities that the cell phone caught fire under pressure when Seo was crushed or that Kwon set fire to the phone to try disguise the real cause of death.Police asked the National Institute of Scientific Investigation to perform an autopsy, which showed Seos lungs were severely injured and several fractures to the ribs, the spine, left arm and right ring finger. Convinced that those injuries could not have been caused by an exploding phone, police questioned Kwon again.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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olele, am az kato si dyrja telefona v djoba na pantalona.... :S opasna rabota sa tiq tehnologii!
отговор Сигнализирай

преди 17 години
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LG ги чакат много много проблеми в бъдеще!
отговор Сигнализирай

преди 17 години
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az imah sashtia model dokolkoto moga da vida i beshe iaka troshka.ama tia novi tehnologii sa gadna rabota.dobre si biahme bez gsm i podobni...
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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abe tva e vazmojno dori i bez voda probvai da zasili6 bateriqta ot telefona si s vsi4ka sila zemqta ili v nqkoi stena bateriqta ti 6te zapo4ne da gori ... a kato e zatvorena stava nalqgane i stava BOOMMM!!! ;)
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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абе всичките сте големи философи!!! неможела да избухне батерията хахаахах !!! питайте някой химик та даже и някои които просто е чел повече, какво става когато сложиш съвсем малко литии(които го има в батериите) в вода. става доста бурна реакция с отделяне на голямо количество топлина а с нея и газ а когато няма откъде да излезе налягането достатъчно бързо се получава бум или по точно БУМ
отговор Сигнализирай
mistar fenedi
преди 17 години
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hahahaaa i moq gsm e LG ami ako gramne??????/ hahahaha
отговор Сигнализирай