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Любов, сълзи и бира. 8000: Volim te Ceco!

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преди 12 години
Харесвам 8 Не харесвам 0
Последна:No one knew this but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written with a violin worth 3.5 million dollars. Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston and the seats average $100 each.
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преди 12 години
Харесвам 17 Не харесвам 3
"Бляскаво" бъдеще ни чака, щом метресата на Касапинът Аркан е тъй харесвана, както от "премиера", така и от народонаселението българско!!!
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и за лаиците
преди 12 години
Харесвам 1 Не харесвам 7
и лайкаджийте...Що не млъкнете, а?Мадам Идеална
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преди 12 години
Харесвам 4 Не харесвам 3
трета:Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
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Писна ми от вас, ей!
преди 12 години
Харесвам 7 Не харесвам 20
Цеца - кралица!Volim te, tako te ludo volimal reći dve ne mogu reći svekolko bi rekle rukekad bi te grlile.Trebaš mi, tako mi jako trebašal' reći dve ne mogu reći svekolko bi reklo telokad bi te volelo Mirsade
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преди 12 години
Харесвам 2 Не харесвам 2
Втора част:A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping continued to walk. A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work. The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid stopped to look at the violinist.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 12 години
Харесвам 14 Не харесвам 13
Залата беше пълна. Единствените сектори, които бяха свободни бяха най-горе, така че със сигурност бяхме над 8000 души...
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 12 години
Харесвам 31 Не харесвам 19
Наистина ... ако някой има нещо да коментира за Цеца, нека първо чуе нещо нейно. Творчеството и е на световно ниво, смислено, дълбоко И НЕ Е ЧАЛГА!!! Иначе си плямпате просто по дефоулт , щото било сръбско.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 12 години
Харесвам 13 Не харесвам 6
Е как пък не се намери един да вдигне плакат "Volim te Warlick"! Срамота!
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 12 години
Харесвам 3 Не харесвам 2
За сравнение:A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold, December morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. Three minutes went by and a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet his schedule. A min
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