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преди 17 години
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badete razumni za da nqma ne6tastiq
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преди 17 години
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Internationally, the consensus is that the situation in Afghanistan is at crisis point, but there remains intense disagreement on the best course of action. First, it isn't clear who the real enemy is: opium harvest or the terror network? While the United Nations Office in Drugs & Crime (UNODC) considers eradicating poppy as a means to control illicit drug trade, the United States sees poppy eradication as an opportunity to decimate the Taliban.There are strong indications that if harvest was up next season on 2007's, the US would absolutely spray this coming year. If history has any lessons, the US will clearly be knocking at the wrong door.The carrot & stick of crop eradication has been tried and failed, because usually production gets shifted: opium production moved from Pakistan to Afghanistan; coca from Peru to Colombia; and cannabis from Mexico to the US. While impoverished farmers did suffer, the global supply remained unaffected.Is there a way out? The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs has issued a report recently calling the Afghan government to turn part of the poppy crop into legal analgesics, such as morphine and codeine. The Senlis Council, an international think tank with an office in Kabul, has sought control of opium production by local communities, with license to produce morphine powder from their crop.Expectedly, the US state department is not convinced if `legalization is an option.' One would only expect the British to agree, who wonder if the Afghanistan government is equipped to enforce legal provisions at the cost of confronting the narcotics traders. For the US and its allied forces, any excuse that justifies war is a trade off worthy of consideration. Opium is just the right excuse for the US to keep pounding the Afghan territory.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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Should Afghan farmers be held responsible for misuse of opium that has medicinal properties? Can they be dissuaded from growing poppy? They might oblige provided alternate crops are as lucrative! Researchers have burnt their fingers with alternate crops like saffron and mint, none fetching as much as US$ 122 to a kilo for poppy. For negligible input costs and a longer shelf life, poppy remains the best bet. No surprise that opium's export worth at US$ 3 billion contributes 40 per cent to Afghanistan's GDP.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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International Herald Tribune, 4 November 2007KHWAJA GHOLAK, Afghanistan: Amid the multiplying frustrations of the fight against narcotics in Afghanistan, the northern province of Balkh has been hailed as a rare and glowing success.Two years ago the province, which abuts Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, was covered with opium poppies - about 11,000 hectares of them, or 27,000 acres, nearly enough to blanket Manhattan twice. This year, after an intense anti-poppy campaign led by the governor, Balkh's farmers abandoned the crop. The province was declared poppy free, with 12 others, and the provincial government was promised a reward of millions of dollars in development aid.But largely ignored in the celebration was the fact that many farmers in Balkh simply switched from opium poppies to another illegal crop: cannabis, the herb from which marijuana and hashish are derived.As the Afghan and Western governments focused on the problem of soaring Afghan opium production, which hit record levels this year and remains a booming industry, cannabis cultivation increased 40 percent around the country, to about 70,000 hectares this year - from about 50,000 hectares last year, the United Nations said in an August report.And even though hashish is less valuable per weight than opium or heroin, the report said, cannabis can potentially earn a farmer more than opium poppies because it yields twice the quantity of drug per acre and is cheaper and less labor-intensive to grow.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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Уважавам решението Ви да правите каквото поискате щом не пречите на другите, и Ви пожелавам децата Ви да станат наркомани, тогава, *** нещастен, искаме да чуем Вашето мнение...Ти си велик ***, който не е прочел нищо от това до какво водят наркоманиите и последствията от тях !
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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" сега всеки ден,всеки час,навсякаде има маТРиал" Наркомани дупе да ви е яко.........
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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Боже,боже още колко ги има!!!!!!!!!
отговор Сигнализирай
Jitel na strana ot N
преди 17 години
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Dogodina shte bade oshte poveche . Natovcite zatova sa tam , za da pokrovitelstvat i da pecheljat ot opiuma . Grajdani oligofreni sa naj-dobri za vladetelite na sveta . Kato aktivni chlenove na NATO , nie davame svoja dostoen prinos . Da ne zabravjame obache , che shte dojde vreme za plashtane .
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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Американците не го унищожават защото е техен. За какво мислиш водиха воина. нали Осама е създаден от ЦРУ. Той удря двете кули, американците почват война за опиума, след воината произведения опиум възлизал на 8000 милярда долара. Е за кво си говориме това е повече и от петрола ама той е друга тема.
отговор Сигнализирай
преди 17 години
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3, всеки сам решава дали да употребява нещо или не. Нямаш право да взимаш решения вместо мен, нито пък да ме упрекваш за това което прява, щом не ти преча. Ако искам ще си набода 50 игли, само на едната ръка. Иначе съм съгласен, че хероина е шит, но го знам от собствен опит, а не от това което съм прочел или чул някъде. А от опиум се правят още мноооого неща, за хероина просто има най-голям пазар.
отговор Сигнализирай